Small Jokes About Monsters Book Front Cover

Godzilla, Mothra and Gamera, Oh, My!

Small Jokes About Monsters

at Meadville Community Theatre

A Theater Review

Better late than never, right?

Okay, so The GURU assigns me the show, “Small Jokes About Monsters,” playing at Meadville Community Theater.

Problem was, the only day I could see it on opening weekend, it was sold out.

Another problem? By the time I got to see “Monsters,” it was also its closing weekend, so anyone interested (assuming anyone reads these reviews), was out of luck.

Oh well, no publicity is bad publicity, right? Just keep an eye open for MCT’s upcoming shows—either on their website or our website, next time you’re waiting in line somewhere.

That said, this Stephen Strafford comedy-drama is about three brothers spending a weekend at a beach house who are just returning from their father’s funeral.  

Their dysfunctional dad not only bequeaths them some of his personal demons, but also a last will and testament that they read at their place by the sea.

When one brother receives more money than the others, ill latent feelings arise. Throw in their mother who arrives to stir the pot, and sexual abuse issues, and well, it’s no weekend at the beach.  

The show’s title refers to one brother’s theory. According to him, there are three kinds of funny people: Godzillas, who destroy all they see with their jokes, Mothras, the silent, but deadly types, who lay a room flat with just one joke, and Gameras, who don’t even realize they’re funny.

To be honest, I don’t recall which brother was labeled which critter, but “Monsters” allowed for a weekend of essential blood letting and bonding before all depart and move forward with their lives.

“I chose this show because I felt that this was a very “real” family with very problems,” said director Marie Loose in the playbill. “While many of us in our day-to-day existence may encounter any number of trials and tribulations, it appears that the common theme is that we have to find ways to cope with these things.”

“This family isn’t exactly known for choosing the healthiest ways of doing so; but humor can actually help to heal sometimes.”

The quartet of actors play well together. Siblings John (Dave Neal), Ryan (Aaron Stine), and Derek (Chole Loose), appear authentic as they bond and snipe at one another as real families do. Mom (Traci Andrews) comes across well as the parent who loves her kinder, but can’t help calling out each individual’s shortcomings—as if applying a Band-Aid only to tear it off—to expose more than her children want to see or hear.  

Sorry MCT! Wish I could’ve promoted the show BEFORE it closed!  Next time I’ll buy my ticket earlier!

See you in the balcony!

Thea Tah


Small Jokes About Monsters’ final performance was May 19. MCT’s next production will be “Chaos at the Wedding,” running June 21-23. For more information about MCT visit their website at
