A salad with olives and tomatoes on top of it.

No Frog, It’s Good!

Bullfrog Bar

A Restaurant Review

The best thing about two restaurants sharing the same building?

If you don’t like one, you patronize the other.

I was initially was assigned to review Andy’s Ale House & Grill. It looked like a fun place to meet friends what with its pool tables and live bands as I checked it out online.

When I arrived, Friday afternoon about three p.m. there were maybe five people there. Unsure if I was supposed to wait to be seated, I sat at the bar and waited for someone to acknowledge me. After a few minutes, I grabbed a menu and waited for someone to say Hi! and take my order.

After waiting a few more minutes watching roadies set up for the night’s show, I began playing with my phone. (By this time, I knew what I wanted to order.)

With no bartender in sight and the sole waiter ignoring me, I took that as my cue to leave.

And went upstairs to Bullfrog Bar.

Same scenario”at first. Unsure if I needed to be seated, I sat at the bar and began thumbing through their menu. And waited a few minutes. Then”Lo and behold!”a cutie bartender arrives and asks if I’d like a drink!

Since my friend hadn’t arrived yet, I ordered two beers that were on special: an I.C. Mango and and a Flying Dog.

I enjoyed the taste of the I.C.; it promised what it delivered: a light, sweet, citrusy flavor. The Flying Dog had a dark color and a slightly bitter taste but was still enjoyable.

The bartender even took my order”before I scooted over to an empty table, promising I’d be long gone before six p.m., when a band was slated to play.

Thinking it was odd that two bar and grills were at the same site (Andy’s was downstairs; Bullfrog was at street level), I asked the bartender, who explained the site was owned by the same people.

While I awaited my meal (and my wayward meal mate), I took in the place. Beyond the darkened décor, the place looked a lot smaller on the outside; however, inside it had ample seating that seemed so far away I thought I’d need binoculars. Then, I turned my attention to the biggest television I’ve ever seen: probably 15 feet in length.

With wishful thinking, I ordered the Artichoke Dip as an appetizer. I’ve had it before and always found it bland, lacking flavor. Not impressed. Again. Artichoke isn’t worthy of a dip. It’s just not flavorful, no matter which restaurant serves it.

The Charbroiled Chicken Salad (see picture) was another story. Regular salad ingredients topped with tender, juicy slices of chicken breaded with Parmesan Cheese where even the salad’s black olives were appreciated.

I started eating the Turkey Cuba Panini, which consisted of turkey, pickles and provolone dressed with honey mustard, once I realized my lunch mate was a no-show. Along with a side of flavorful store-bought potato salad and a dill pickle, the panini’s many ingredients melded together sweet and sour and tangy delight.

Lesson learned?

If blown off elsewhere, hop over to Bullfrog!

**Tony B

Bullfrog Bar is located at 3864 Peach St, Erie. For more information visit bullfrogbarerie.com