Invented Archives at Allegheny College

A poster with the words " must love each other and support each."

Invented Archives at Allegheny College Art features three female artists whose creations challenge our perceptions of our relationships with others in their own individual ways. Mitsuko Brooks unique art transforms the throwaway, the ephemeral, into long-lasting works. According to gallery information, Brooks was inspired by her life growing up in a military family and moving…

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Full Circle

A painting of trees in the woods with a blue sky

Round and Round She Goes The Works of Rachael Burke  an Art Review When one views Rachael Burke’s paintings this time of year one can’t help but think of a timeworn idiom: Timing is everything. Currently at Glass Growers Gallery, Burke’s work seems to reflect nature’s bounty as it slowly transfers from winter’s slumber to…

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What is Susan’s Secret?

A woman standing in front of several animals.

Some Secrets are Best Left Untold… What is Susan’s Secret?  Theater Review Today’s theatrical koan: If a comedy isn’t funny, is it still a comedy? What is Susan’s Secret?, a play currently being produced by All An Act Theatre Productions, presents Susan (Lisa Simonian) and her husband, Michael (David W. Mitchell), two elderly innkeepers who,…

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Heathers: The Musical

A group of people standing on the stairs

The B*itch(es) is Back! Heathers: The Musical Theater Review Maybe it’s some kind of boomerang effect or hopefully, karma: after trudging through a production of The Crucible and two comedies in Erie, it was invigorating to see a local theatrical production that was not only funny, but fun. How rare! Heathers: The Musical currently at…

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Purrista Cat Cafe’

A cat laying on top of a plant.

Here, Kitty, Kitty!  …Kitty? Purrista Cat Cafe’ A Visit           Love cats?  Read on!           Don’t?  What’s wrong with you?  (But keep reading, anyway.)           Love puns? Read on!           Don’t? I don’t blame you.  (But keep reading, anyway.)           Purrista Cat Cafe’ is Erie’s only pet cafe’. A place that CATers to felinophiles and/or…

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Doc Holliday’s Bar & Grill

A sandwich and fries on a checkered plate.

I Don’t Think We’re in Tombstone Anymore, Toto… Doc Holliday’s Bar & Grill Restaurant Review Last time I was near Erie just off I-90, I spotted a restaurant I’d never heard of in all my years living in the area. Doc Holliday’s Bar & Grill. As I stood across the street waiting for my takeout,…

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The Crucible

A picture of the back of a white bag.

That Old Black Magic Has Us in Its Spell… Much as I hate to admit it, I’ve always somehow managed to miss Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. Debuting in 1953, it’s become a cornerstone of American Theater and it’s usually not hard to find a production locally every season be it at a local college or…

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Shirley’s Restaurant

A woman standing in front of a restaurant entrance.

Shirley, You’re Not Joking… Blink and you’ll miss it. Miss it and you’re regret it. That is, if you like a quiet dining experience with a retro 1950’s feel. That’s what I always say about Shirley’s Restaurant located on Old French Road, Erie. So, how’d I hear of it? Thank Google Maps or Waze or…

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